Friday, 13 June 2008

Orsolya Haarberg - Iceland 02

I loved Myvatn from the first day I saw it, but after a few days staying there, I could not wait to look around in the north-eastern part of the country. My eagerness does not always give the best advice, as was in this case, because some of the roads I wanted to take were still closed after winter, so my possibilities became rather limited on this trip.
Anyway, I could visit a seabird cliff that was actually a torture for our car to get close to (most roads are not designed for a 2WD in Iceland), but it was worth it.

A lovely northern gannet colony, puffins, razorbills, guillemots and kittiwakes that were breeding on the steep cliffs of the northeast coast.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Orsolya!
Iceland is a great dream for me. Sometime, I also will travel to this country. For the moment must reach it here to be able to read about your impressions from your mission in this country. I am curious about the big landscapes with her waterfalls, rivers and seas. I will further pursue your journey here. Furthermore I wish you much success for your mission.