A roe deer runs over the street in front of you.
Or the kids cry: Daddy, there is a squirrel in the tree!
Or you see the wood full of white anemone flowers when you bike through, a spring day.
Or a blackbird sings its song from a roof top, when you are barbecuing.
Those are all things Wild. We don’t own them. We can’t control them. They go or grow where ever they like to, and they go away if we don’t treat them well.
We call it wild life.
And wildlife is something very important to us.
More important than most would think.
The result when we meet wild life?
Basic, primaeval happiness.
A smile, a nice feeling.
Seeing the roe deer fawn can make your day.
Seeing the eagle pass over is something to tell, at home and at work.
Almost every person becomes happier when meeting, seeing or hearing things wild.
The hedge hog on your lawn.
Don't tell me there are not emotions bubbling up there...
Why do virtually all of us become happier from meeting things wild.
From meeting wild life?
I believe it is about genes. And it is about heritage.
Those things wild say something about who you are.
About your place in the confusing reality of everyday modern life.
About your connections to the land, area, region, country, continent...
And things wild add another dimension too.
They add hope.
There are still things out there, free and wild, that we can’t control completely.
That are not part of any City plan or a corporate or political decision.
That are not fenced in, wing-clipped, planted or chained.
That do just what they want to.
That are spontaneous, free, and decide themselves about everything in their lives.
They are simply wild, and we love it and admire it.
And the same goes for areas that are wild.
They represent hope to us.
A hope that there are still places where age-old processes are alive and allowed to continue doing their own thing.
Where man hasn’t yet mastered every detail and engineered everything.
Where our natural heritage is actually still alive and kicking.
That is what Wild Wonders of Europe is to me.
A celebration of both things and areas Wild.
Both big and small, both near us, and far away.
Wild life and Wild lands.
A celebration of our European Natural Heritage.
Something that has existed far before us.
Something that does exist still, all around us.
Something that hopefully will continue to exist here, long after we are gone and our grand-grand-grand children too.
Provided that we try to take better care of it, enjoy it, reconnect with it, have fun in it, are soothed by it, strengthened by it and fight for it.
The Happiness of things Wild.
It is powerful, it is healing, it is necessary and it is wonderful.
It is the Wild Wonders of Europe.
We invite you all to follow us on this journey.
Staffan Widstrand
I look forward to seeing the inevitably beautiful photographs that will be produced from this noble endeavor.
Doubtless the most ambitious photographic project.
Our biodiversity is amazing...
Protecting it is our main goal.
Hola Staffan congratulations for these great idea to promote the natural values of the old continent.With my best wishes.
I look forward to see the photographs, and it is a great idea. I hope our grandchildren will enjoy the same wildlife like we do and perhaps less pollution from people.
Great!!! I hope this proyect can move things on our politicians minds.
I'm in full support of your efforts. Very exiting project with even more exiting objects. Worth every effort.
Great initiative! Looking foreward to see the pictures.
Good Luck from Sweden
I spent years watching programs about african wildlife, american wildlife, underwater wildlife,.. and always wondered,.. what about our european wildlife? Is it really all gone? With time i've learnt there are still many wild creatures amongst us,.."there is still hope",.. so it's about time to show the rest of us europeans and the world some of the natural beauty of "our" Europe!! And hope that many other conservation projects arise with the awareness you (photographers and project managers) will bring!
Fantastic project!!!
Congratulations,.. and good luck!!!
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